Welcome to the New and Improved Professional Bookworm!!

Well, kids, as some of my may or may not already know, I went and fucked up. Hard. My blog, as once you knew it, is gone.

Actual image of me when I realized I had nuked everything.

In my efforts not to pay a ridiculous fortune on a blog I make zero money from, I failed to both do proper research (stupid) and create a back-up (somehow, even MORE stupid). Various tech-type people we unable to assist me and I finally had to accept that I would need to start over again from scratch. This shit is paid for, you’re not getting rid of me that easily, internet.

Nine of my original posts are saved on my computer (you know, from before I got lazy) out of the nearly 90 I had previously posted. Eventually I may repost them in all of their awkward glory.

For now, I’ll attempt to pick up the pieces and get back to posting. It took me a long time to get the previous blog incarnation just how I wanted it, so there will be growing pains to deal with, I just ask that you few faithful readers stick with me while I try to get everything back up and running again.

3 thoughts on “Welcome to the New and Improved Professional Bookworm!!

  1. I’m so sorry Sara. I understood very little of what you said, except it’s gone. I know you work hard at this. I hope it doesn’t happen to you again!

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